In the morning of 20th August, Xinghua General Union, Labor and Social Security Administration and Shenyuan Special Steel Company stand together to simultaneously hold “Shenyuan Cup” for centreless lather skill competition in two zones. Thirty players competed drastically; they had a theory test after science test. By report, the first prizes are: Chunfeng Chao from bright factory and Jundong Chen from Qunjin, additionally there are two second prizes and two third prizes. The player who is rewarded as first prize will be recommended as “Xinghua Labor Model” and all the players will acquire the title of “Xinghua Senior mechanic”.
Re n Min Roar, città di Zhanguo, Xinghua, provincia di Jiangsu, Cina
Vendite: +86 523 83760850
Uomo nero: +86 1381 5919 666
Wechat: +86 1381 5919 666
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